No-Till Drill Rental
Limestone Valley has a long-standing no-till drill rental program open to the public to encourage conservation tillage in much of the eleven county area. The program is made possible by partnering with the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission and the local Soil and Water Conservation Districts, who manage the program in their respective areas within the larger Limestone Valley RC&D Council area. Utilizing no-till methods generally reduces carbon emissions through reduced machine time, increases water infiltration and storage, reduces soil compaction as well as erosion, and improves nitrogen and carbon storage in the soil. Ultimately, it’s generally a more profitable practice for the farmer and a more sustainable practice for the farmer and the rest of the population. If you are interested in renting a no-till drill, please refer to the link below for additional information or to go ahead and rent a drill. It’s relatively inexpensive and should benefit you greatly should you follow the general guidelines for no-till operations.